당분 과다 섭취 시 나타나는 증상 4
당분 과다 섭취 시 나타나는 증상 4
미국 하버드대 연구팀에 따르면, 당분이 첨가된 음료수를 하루 1~2잔 마시는 사람은 그렇지 않은 사람보다 당뇨병에 걸릴 위험은 26%, 대사증후군이 생길 위험은 20% 증가한다.
미국 정부가 권고한 당분 섭취량은 하루 섭취 칼로리의 10% 이내로 50g을 넘지 말아야 한다. 단 음식뿐만 아니라 과자와 각종 소스는 물론 저지방 요구르트, 과일 등에도 당분이 들어있는 만큼 섭취량 조절이 필요하다.
당분을 과다 섭취하면 당뇨병을 비롯해 비만, 간부전, 췌장암, 신장(콩팥) 질환, 고혈압, 인지력 감퇴 등의 위험이 커진다. 이와 관련해 ‘더이퍼크타임스닷컴’이 당분 과잉 섭취 때 나타나는 징후 4가지를 소개하며 이런 현상이 나타나면 당분 섭취를 줄일 것을 당부했다.
1. 우울, 불안 증상
당분은 우울증이나 불안증 같은 기분장애의 가장 큰 원인 제공자이다. 당을 섭취하지 않았을 때 우울증이 생긴다는 이유로 ‘슈거 블루스(Sugar Blues)’라는 말이 있다.
당분이 든 식품을 먹기 전까지 감정의 심한 기복 상태를 겪는다. 우울증과 불안증 외에 머리가 흐릿해지고 스트레스를 자주 경험할 수도 있다. 이런 상태라면 설탕을 끊어야 한다. 이렇게 하면 기분이 가뿐해지는 것을 느낄 수 있다.
2. 피부 트러블
설탕은 피부에 재앙을 일으킨다. 여드름을 발생시키고 피부를 건조하게 하는 등 전반적인 피부 불균형을 초래한다.
우리의 피부는 몸속에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지를 알려주는 거울과 같다. 당분이 몸속에서 일으키는 염증이 피부에 나타나게 된다. 피부에 문제가 많다면 먼저 당분 섭취량을 점검해보는 게 좋다.
3. 극심한 피로
자주 피곤함을 느껴 기운을 차리려고 또 단것을 찾게 된다면 혈당이 오르락내리락 하게 된다. 피곤할 때마다 더 단것을 찾는 습관을 끊어야 한다.
이렇게 하면 신체가 며칠 만에 스스로 조정 과정을 거치게 되고 몸의 에너지 수준이 높아졌다는 것을 느끼게 된다.
4. 체중 증가
지방이 우리 몸의 지방을 만들지 않는다는 사실을 알고 있는가. 몸의 지방을 만드는 주범은 다름 아닌 당분이다.
당분과 정제된 탄수화물 함량이 높은 식품은 살을 찌운다. 살을 빼려면 지방을 적게 먹는 것보다 당분과 탄수화물 섭취를 줄이는 게 우선이다.
10 Reasons Why Sugar Is Bad for Your Health?
The human body is designed to breakdown complex carbohydrates found in whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables into glucose. This glucose then slowly releases into the bloodstream while absorbing the vital nutrients from them. Glucose the sugar that fuels the body, needs insulin which is released from the pancreas, to do its job. Feeding the body with the correct foods will allow the gradual release of glucose with small amounts of insulin, into the bloodstream.
This process keeps the body running smoothly, with energy levels stable and mind and body feeling balanced and nourished. When we eat the wrong foods, processed foods and sugar, it sends the body into overdrive. Glucose instantly floods the bloodstream, sending the pancreas into a panic to produce enough insulin to handle the excess. This momentarily creates a blood sugar “high” glucose that is eventually moped up by the insulin, leaving the body worn out, tired and depleted.
The sugar “low” then sets in, and it’s time to eat again. Eventually with this ongoing consumption of sugar the body becomes sluggish unable to cope, the brain becomes less efficient memory is impaired and the inevitable slide of ill health begins.
Reasons Why Sugar Is Bad for Your Health?
*Sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Obesity, diabetes & heart disease is a complex problem with multiple causes. But among the likely suspects, sugar is high on the list. As sugar consumption has increased, so too has our national waistline. If you’re concerned about protecting your health and your heart, you might want to take a closer look at the sweet stuff in your life.
The average person eats a whopping 20 teaspoons of sugar every day, according to Heart Association’s recommendation an average of 6 teaspoons per day for women and 9 per day for men is enough.
*Your immune function can be affected by sugar.
Eating or drinking too much sugar curbs immune system cells that attack bacteria. This effect lasts for at least a few hours after downing a couple of sugary drinks. Eat more fruits and vegetables, which are rich in nutrients like vitamins C and E, plus beta-carotene and zinc.
*Sugar accelerates aging.
Sugar consumption can certainly play a role in the development of wrinkles and sagging skin, but its influence may be slight compared to the effects of other environmental factors and of aging itself.
It is true, however, that diets high in sugar can damage elastin and collagen molecules in the skin, increasing wrinkles and sagging. Research has shown that advanced glycation end products (AGEs), a class of compounds resulting from combinations of sugars and proteins, can accelerate the effects of aging. These form whenever blood sugar is high, mostly from overconsumption of quick-digesting carbohydrates, including sweeteners and refined starches (flour). Most Americans consume far too much sugar – an average of 22 teaspoons per day, mostly from sodas and other sweet drinks, baked goods, candy, and ready-to-eat cereals. Limiting sugar intake to 10 percent of daily calories may help keep your skin looking younger longer. It also can help you control your weight and improve your general health; research has linked diets high in sugar to fatal heart attacks as well as high blood pressure, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol, increased triglycerides and fatty liver.
*Sugar causes tooth decay.
According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NICDR), the mouth is full of hundreds of bacteria, many of which are beneficial to the oral ecosystem. However, certain harmful oral bacteria actually feed on the sugars you eat to create acids that destroy the tooth enamel, which is the shiny, protective outer layer of the tooth. Cavities are a bacterial infection created by acids, that cause your teeth to experience a hole in them. Without treatment, cavities can progress past the enamel and into the deeper layers of the tooth, causing pain and possible tooth loss.
*Sugar increases stress.
If you want to reduce stress, sugar is one of the first ingredients to cut out of your diet. When you’re stressed, the body releases more cortisol, a hormone responsible for helping us manage both stress and blood sugar levels. That’s because when you eat sugary foods, blood sugar levels spike, and the body must release more cortisol to balance blood sugar. The problem is that increased cortisol can also cause sleep issues, decreased immune response, headaches, and unhealthy food cravings. Additionally, rapidly fluctuating blood sugar levels cause feelings that are similar to stress, including anxiousness and fear.
By eliminating foods with added sugars—like pastries, flavored yogurt, and soda—and eating more whole foods, you’ll keep your blood sugar stable, which means fewer mood swings, reduced stress, and a happier body.